about us

Specializing in Rare & Exotic Extractions in Medical Cannabis

The need for medical cannabis is real. It’s proven to improve health and change people’s lives for the better.

The issue over legalizing cannabis is the perception of what medicalcannabis offers. The stigma riding on medical cannabis is about ‘getting high’ — that isn’t correct. Medical cannabis and recreational cannabis are entirely different. Views are changing, however, as research data, healthcare experts and doctors from every field now recognize medical cannabis as an alternative medical treatment.

We’ve developed an amazing line of medical cannabis products. When someone comes to you for help we take a full history of all patients; problems they are experiencing; how long they’ve been sick; surgeries they’ve had; medications they take.

An example with our medicated eye drops: if someone has vision problems they may need something to sleep at night, or stay awake during the day; a common problem associated with loss of sight.

Indica dominent strain of cannabis relaxes the mind and body into sleep. It’s effective for glaucoma, macular degeneration and cateracts as it lowers the IOP (Inline Opptical Pressure) radical movement of the eyes. Sativa strain of cannabis is foralertness, activity, and lessens depression.

With Optimal Rush eyes drops, the moment I put drops in a patient’s eyes they see more clearly. This strain makes vision sharper, and colors brighter. One woman blind in an eye that had been dormant for 28 years came for help. One eye treatment later she could see shadows. The eye began to come back to life and she could see again. People with poor eye sight havie tremendous success with medical cannabis eye drops and, report immediate improvement. Their own doctors are astonished as they compare past eye exams with the results they see after a patient is treated with medicated eye drops.

Everything we ingest must first go through our blood stream, then it to our brains. Eye drops and nasal drops go directly to our brain. Contents in the eye drops don’t appear in blood tests which is a relief for those worried about the stigma of using medical cannabis, or testing positive for medical cannabis.

It’s wrong for lawmakers to keep people with mental and physical illness from being able to use medical cannabis when medical cannabis has been shown to help many improve their health and recover from disease and illness without dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.”

— Bryan Ray Ruiz